Indecision-Shrink and Think Small

There have been times in my life that even though I have had a lot of “business success” I was disillusioned about my anticipated “ROI” for all of my efforts. This brought a deep longing or hunger for more peace and fulfillment, confidence and clarity, contribution, and...

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Comparison, The Thief of Self-Worth

It had been a few years since our bankruptcy and we had tried, with very little success to get traction in creating another business. A highly successful mentor whom I had deep respect for, offered to fly out to work with me and meet with potential clients.

As I prepared for our two-day visit, my...

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Impatience, The Thief That Blinds You!

Recently, I found myself impatient when my wife struggled to upload some business documents
I needed. To me, the process was easy and should already be done!

Finally, the documents were uploaded after the third time of explanation and my exasperation
and impatience could be sliced with a knife. I...

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When We Feel We Are Not Enough

I’ve been reflecting on a conversation that I had recently with a client who was asking why does it feel like that no matter what he does, internally, his mental dialogue says, IT IS NOT ENOUGH, not good enough, and how exhausting it was fighting that uphill battle every day.

In the video, I...

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Your Missing Piece to Creating Sustained breakthroughs in your Life

If you have children or have led a team, you have probably felt the frustration of trying to get them to change by focusing on getting them to change their behaviors and attitudes. Doing that can feel like you are herding cats and the change seems to come slowly, if at all, and you can spend a...

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Are You Winning the Battle with Procrastination

A lot of people have told me that they struggle with procrastination and that it seems to suck them of confidence and keeps them performing below their true potential!

“If you’re feeling at times like procrastination’s grip is robbing you of the confidence of being in control of...

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Why You Keep Hitting Walls in Your Relationships

When was the last time that you had a conversation where you felt safe, valued, and understood so that you really opened up and shared? I have asked hundreds of people this question. Few could even remember having one! 

If you are hitting walls, feeling unseen and unheard, experiencing the...

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The 3 Blocks to Experiencing Greater Joy & Fulfillment in Your Life & Work

A lot of people are going through life working like crazy, trying to reach their goals in the family and business and when it is all said and done, they ask, Why am I doing all this work and still  feeling so unfulfilled? Where is the joy?

I’m going to share three reasons why so many...

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Create greater confidence and avoid failure with these 3 Habit Breaker Success Strategies

How do I increase my confidence? This struggle to find and live in greater confidence is verified by the fact that we have measured the thought processes of over 200,000 entrepreneurs & leaders, and we have discovered that over 85% of them have habits of thinking that sabotage their...

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What does Walking on a Tightrope Have to do with Reaching Your Goals?

In 1991 Vince Poscente along with other Olympic speed skaters were challenged by their coach to walk across a tightrope as fast as they could without falling off. In his book, The Age of Speed, Vince tells of the many times they held their arms out to the side and carefully placed their...

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Fear or Confidence, it is Your Choice

I was six years old hanging on to the edge of the swimming pool watching the fun that everyone was having in the water except for me. Lacking Confidence and paralyzed with fear of what would happen if I let go of the edge my internal struggle was immense. I was longing for the freedom and fun...

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How do Our Thoughts Impact Effective Listening?

What is effective listening?   

It is imperative to understand that Effective Listening is not hearing, telling, or talking. This is probably opposite to what your experience has been.

According to Free Dictionary, listening is to give your attention to a sound or conversation....

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